On My Dylan and the Nobel Prize

So,the messiah of my daydreams has earned himself the most honorary award of the generations foregone and those that are to come.Every warm hearted,sensible artist and enthusiast on the planet must be jumping in pure,glorious joy.
Even this afternoon,I had been listening to 'Mr.Tambourine Man' on loop.And thinking about how crazy ENFP types could drive you at points!The charm,the lyrics,the movement,the man - he is an undeniable legend made of an excellent composition of stardust,light and dark,and blood and all that is human and so is not at the same time.Dylan,you been my magic and an answer to every fuhrer's spirit alive.You,the manifestation of the emotions of an entire class of outcasts and artists ; made of bleeding hearts and dripping rainwater.You have been an answer,our voice,our poet - a denial to what they impose to be acceptable.A denial.On their face.To every institutional tool.Aren't you,weren't you?

Hurts,that hurts when you receive a Nobel Prize or another paltry,so called "honour" from his highness,the president of the United Terrorist States of America.Your words have cast a spell on us,have penetrated through our souls,have given life to our ever hurtful,ever suffering heart.You,an error and the truth,a petty Nobel Prize doesn't affect your valuation in our eyes.Your creation is far beyond numbers and figures.

The man who compared the Nobel Prize to a sack of potatoes,Jean-Paul Sartre is who comes to my mind right now.
These might just be sincerely silly thoughts,overthinking things as usual and an intersection of overreaction and overwhelming emotions.But all of that is because you are not about just you yourself Dylan.You are far more about us.You are far more about what you stood up for,what you stood up against.You are the name of a generation's protest,a collective harmony of dissidence.We love you Dylan.We would have loved to love you furthermore.

Click here to read the report covered by The Guardian.

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