Three Muslim Women Who Would Shatter Your Ideas of Islamophobia (In Less Than 30 Minutes!)

1.Maysoon Zayid 

Born in New Jersey, Maysoon Zayid is a comedian and actress of Palestinian descent. Words would cease to describe the powerful, lively, wonderful woman she is! She is by far one of the best stand-up comedians I have come across till date. She is live proof of what empowerment might look at its best forms. This video should shatter your adaptiveness to Islamophobia in less than 15 minutes! 

2.Anusheh Anadil

Anusheh Anadil is a woman who lives her life through the work she does and the cause she promotes. Unlike the PopXO and iDiva videos that showcase women performers who talk about baseless, blatant individualism for no reason at all, and promotes the Asian philosophy of unification of one's soul with that of the collective unit of existence instead.
Anusheh is one brilliant woman who knows how to relate the concepts of music, philosophy, and existence and live it far more brightly than exhibiting the superficial part of it.

3.Farzana Wahid Shayan 

Shayan sings in Bengali but the words in between have (thankfully) been spoken in English, which should allow a lot of people to realise the basic essence of philosophy in her words.
The first song runs a jolt of feelings inside you and is capable of expressing the ultimate feeling of passion and unification and the beauty of life despite the diversity amidst all living beings. There are few human beings on the planet who could portray such deep realisations in so simple yet beautiful presentation. 

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