A Poem, A Day : Day 3 ⁓ 'Secrets 1'

First of all, I am really very apologetic for getting the third post of this series supposed to be containing ten poems is coming off so late. I cannot even explain in a go what I had to go through in the last ten days and I had been devastated, inside and most of it was even showing in my external approach. So, basically, I have been able to get over a lot of it and thankfully I have been blessed to be free from all the terrible things that were happening.
For now, I just made my mind to complete the two promised series of works and still indulge in the kind of interactive work that often is a result of joint efforts. Here's to the obsession with Vincent, surfacing again, even in my poetry. Here's to you. Here's to you, yellow. 

Bedroom in Arles by Vincent Van Gogh, 1888 (First Version) 
(Photograph Source: Wikipedia)

The ones who live in the woods 
Have now begun reckoning reverberation 
I live in your viscous gallery of numbness

Here, fall brings mellow lights of freedom.

Auspicious, you glare into the core bottom 
Of spiral motion, of your nasty fate, of truth 
The eclipses rise on the pits of your shoulders 
Cordially, fall lights up the mellow taste of freedom.

Stay tuned for the rest of the posts in the series.

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