Two Old Ballads To Make Your Heart Leap ⁓ Covered by Jim McCann and Liam Clancy

When I listened to this song for the first time, I was confused about how intriguing the cognition that is produced by folk music and the people who are used to singing a particular kind of the several genres that constitutes this dynamic array. What was also important was the number of rude comments I took notice of since the pictures used were that of Ireland, the singer was Irish whilst the song was of American origin. But of a different America, of course. The forgotten America - the victim to the genocide of the veiled lords who rule the geographical area today. 

The breathtakingly soft approach that Clancy had adopted during covering this is admirable, to say the very least. Also, the overlapping of the two rivers - Missouri and Shenandoah coupled with the ballad-like feel drenched with a perennially melancholic tone to itself sounds and feels like a dream. Fans of folk music from the world over, this song has been written for you. 

(Photograph Source : Spotify) 

(Photograph Source : Irish Examiner) 

'Boolavogue', as a song, is categorised a ballad but most certainly also incorporates certain very fierce and rebellious entities within itself. Covered by the ah-mazing Jim McCann, 'fabulous' is the only word that comes to mind while judging the qualitative value of the song.
The tune, too, reminds you of lost mountainsides in silhouettes and blues and greys. A must-listen for fans of Celtic music and for people who necessarily love country, blues, other forms of contemporary folk and prog or psychedelic rock. 

Click here to listen to Shenandoah sung by Liam Clancy.
Click here to listen to Boulavogue sung by Jim McCann. 

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