"We Shall Overcome Someday!" We shall - we will. That's all millions of people live with - a thought of change, an essence of the revolt. Within every common man and his companions in this revolt, you'll always be there Comrade,for us,with us - our Pete Seeger. So what if your mortal remains are not with us - YOU ARE THERE. In the dreams of a dumb man speaking,in the dreams of the frightened bursting out in protest one day, in the thought that we are living with - a thought of change. You'll always be immortal in our emotions, in those flowing tunes, in the deep lyrics, in a shimmery moon on a beautiful night, in the countryside - in every rustic scene that your songs have talked about. You'll be there Comrade, ever-young within every jolly heart. You'll be there in those memories, you'll be there in our pride that a man as you was born on this planet, you'll be there when a common soul thinks of raising a voice against the wrong,when an abused child - at last is able to tell the world the truth,when a tortured woman flares up to punish her abusers, when not fearing death anymore - we move front with the red flag. You'll be there in that torn shirt of a farmer,within the hope of a factory worker to go see his family - you'll be there on this sweet mother earth,always - forever.

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