Grammatically Perfect, Semantically Absurd : Beyond Game Theory and the Three Laws of Gravitation

There is an awkward missing link paraphrasing the silence in context of the relationship shared by Game Theory, Social Psychology and behavioural sciences in general. As an easy example, take the case of the lions and lambs wherein in a desolate island, there lives "n" pack of lions,where n depicts a positive whole number (given the fact that we are used to excluding the freedom of not being, and have evolved an extent of sanity that allows us to cardinally ensure that each of us, indeed are another sample in the random set) and in the otherwise absurdly desolate island that is devoid of herbivores, a pretty little lamb sets feet one fine morning. Now, we begin to explore what would happen if the number of lion(s), was 1. This would result in the lion eating the lamb.
If the number of lambs was going to be 2, then one lion eating the lamb would result in the other lion turning into a metaphoric lamb himself. Hence, both the lions would most probably resent themselves from consuming the lamb. Again, say the number of lions were 3. If one of the lions ended up eating the lamb, it would turn into a lamb and the other two lions could split and savour their "newfound lamb" into two equal pieces. That being said, every odd number of lions constituting the set of lions present in the island would result in the number of lions being reduced to (n-1). This would possibly keep all the lions from hunting the lamb at all!
Now, take into account the arbitrary case of human beings and the way they form conglomerates in the modern times. The first example that comes to mind is how industries morph together for combined benefits. However, what about the ways in which our language is morphed to an universally standardised version of a certain code? 

Most people familiar with the absurdist genre existent in literature, including say, Edward Lear's poems or Kafka's short stories (the really short ones, especially). In his 1957 book 'Syntactic Structures', Chomsky wrote the famous sentence "Colourless green ideas sleep furiously." As you figure out for yourself that the sentence is indeed semantically absurd, it is absolutely grammatically correct. If grammar is compared to norms in this context, then semantics would probably converge with the open set of "imagination". Henceforth, an error or two - which are definitely not sampling errors but are mathematical errors happening from a not so mathematically defined, illogical world of lost causes and secrets buried deeper at the core of the planet. Here in case of the concentration of wealth in the hands of few and the rising trends regarding the same that have persisted ever since the harrowing pace of industrialisation has taken over our sad old life, such a truth is merely speculated yet is very visible. 

The positivist, functionalist and overtly Darwinist perspectives on anything concerning wealth and power have hit hard the very existence of life forms on earth. However apocalyptic and antagonistic this might sound, eventually the truth lies in cohorts of ruthless mercenaries that instead of leading us to signs of leveraging lifelines substitutes the urge to survive with a concurrent taste in utterly dystopic situations. The dilemma, hence is not and should not be constricted with closed sets, to begin with, if we are to begin our work of excavating the other versions of truth that doesn't match with the imperialistic agenda to consume all that it can on its way to take the form and features of a massive black hole. 

The Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures depicts clearly how compulsion and constructed ideas of obedience might lead to a linear pattern in social behaviour. Now, accepting the fact that there is an area that the intersectional discipline of psycho-sociology cannot grasp and that it is not as linear as mathematical equations, a certain space (which might or might not be a void) has to be introspected for further understanding. When an apparently uninformed individual, stuck in a maze of authoritarian control "believes" obedience is a good thing, and must be consciously practised for material benefits, the constraint for the set of equations we have is probably the pathological responses one might come up with when she or he experiences fear. Now, that is clearly a set of responses, not one single response. How one chooses to react when allowed to function under a certain set of constraints again depends on historical materialism and a number of other factors, corresponding to the factual coherence of phenomenal chronology that is, from its birth, not operational on say, conventional geometric patterns or simple case studies on enumeration. Moynihan's essay on the procreation of an entire generation of homeless people in the United States or the infamous case of the Holocaust or the current situation in the Middle Eastern countries are examples why a change in perspective existent on even the synthesis of the existent schools is not totally capable of finding out and tracing back the missing links and points. As we transcend from a more or less material world to one far more concerned with simulation that creates an apparent veil of oblivious tragedy, it is probably also time that we find a way out of the hole before the lights are doomed for real. 

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