The music in the prison system of Franco (1938-1978) / La música en el sistema penitenciario del franquismo (1938-1978)

Last week,I had received this e-mail from Buscame en el ciclo de la vida but had not got time to post it until now.I still have a very dizzy head but managed to do this somehow alongside getting my regular dose of reading apart from the syllabus.
The post is on an extremely interesting topic and I think the blog deserves an award in ivestigative journalism for their work on the condition of life during Franco's reign.Apt for passionate history enthusiasts or for students solely interested in most/all of the Social Sciences or Spanish history and political transitions.Great read ahead.

Banda de música integrada por presos del Penal de San Miguel de los Reyes (Valencia), 1940/Band composed of prisoners of Criminal San Miguel de los Reyes ( Valencia) , 1940

Versión Española/Spanish Version

Elsa Calero se encuentra desarrollando la tesis doctoral en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid La música en el sistema penitenciario del franquismo (1938-1978) y busca información sobre la vida musical en las cárceles. Este es un llamamiento a todas aquellas a mujeres
y hombres que permanecieran en situación de presidio durante este periodo –por motivos políticos– en cualquier cárcel de España –así como familiares directos que hayan conocido a personas en esta situación y tengan amplio conocimiento de cómo fue la vida de éstas en prisión.

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English Version

Elsa Calero is developing the doctoral thesis at the Autonomous University of Madrid Music in the prison system of Franco (1938-1978) and seeks information about musical life in prison . This is a call to all those women and men who remain in prison situation during this period -for reasons politicians in any jail Spain -as well as relatives who have known people in this situation and have extensive knowledge of how it was these life in prison.

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