Luis Cienfuegos Suárez y la Fosa de Parasimón/Luis Cienfuegos Suárez and The Trench of Parasimon

After a really long gap,I received an e-mail from Búscame en el ciclo de la vida today and since I have been recently learning Spanish from a Dominican Republican friend of mine,I wanted to go through some valuable Spanish text to be honest.
This post is dedicated to one of the martyrs who served against the pro-fascist Franco rule.Luis Cienfuegos Suárez,was shot and burried in a hole along with 22 others and his body was never recovered.Years later,his descendants now demand justice against what was done to them.

Se cubrirá su memoria con la tierra de la desmemoria
y su muerte será una muerte doble a golpe de balas
y silencio.
 (Cervera 1997:152)

His memory will be reinstated into our minds from the land of forgetfulness
and his death will be a double death blow to bullet
and silence.
  (Cervera 1997: 152)

Versión Española/Spanish Version

Luis Cienfuegos Suárez "Parana" fue asesinado cuando tenía 42 años​, s​in juicio, sin posibilidad de defensa. Junto a otros 22 compañeros fue fusilado por un grupo compuesto por guardias civiles y falangistas, en el paraje de Parasimón, en el puerto de Pajares. ​Sus nietos están buscando su cuerpo.

Después un espeso manto de silencio cubrió la historia de Luis Cienfuegos durante años. Hasta que María Luisa, la primogénita de Luis se fué sacudiendo el miedo y la vergüenza y en los últimos años de su vida fué desvelando la historia de su padre y transmitió a sus hijos el mandato de recuperar su memoria. Un hijo jamás puede olvidar que su padre fue asesinado y enterrado en un agujero. Cuarenta años después de morir el dictador seguimos sin poder honrar a tantos muertos ... Seguimos reclamando Justicia.

English Version

Luis Cienfuegos Suarez " Parana " was killed when he was 42, s in trial, no defense . Along with 22 other fellow was shot by a group composed of policemen and phalanges , in the place of Parasimon in Pajares . His grandchildren are looking for their body.

After a thick blanket of silence covered the story of Luis Cienfuegos for years. Until Marie Louise, the eldest daughter of Louis he was shaking with fear and shame, and in the last years of his life was revealing the story of his father and passed on to his children a mandate to regain his memory . A child can never forget that his father was murdered and buried in a hole. Forty years after the death of the dictator still can honor so many dead ... We demand justice.

Leer más:

Disclaimer : I was sent the link  from famous Spanish political blog 
Búscame en el ciclo de la vida blogger María Torres.

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  1. Here,In Dominican Repúblic,few monta ago,A VERY prolífico multidisciplinary Artist,Ney Díaz Henríquez(Henríquez X) was murdered by three agentes of público transit(Amet)and a Fat though disgusting policeman when he was pplaying a performance On streets where "rich" people drives for "fun", Lincoln Road .Was found10 days later On a construcción Behind a barrio(neighborhood)backstreet,hands tied back, knots On feet,naked and electrocutted with these Weapons They castrists garbage founds funny to play with delivery guys after rains too...All vídeos hided.Nobody see anything.

  2. Here,In Dominican Repúblic,few monta ago,A VERY prolífico multidisciplinary Artist,Ney Díaz Henríquez(Henríquez X) was murdered by three agentes of público transit(Amet)and a Fat though disgusting policeman when he was pplaying a performance On streets where "rich" people drives for "fun", Lincoln Road .Was found10 days later On a construcción Behind a barrio(neighborhood)backstreet,hands tied back, knots On feet,naked and electrocutted with these Weapons They castrists garbage founds funny to play with delivery guys after rains too...All vídeos hided.Nobody see anything.

    1. Your government seems to be of the conservative,capitalistic and terrorising to the power infinity kind.These homicides are committed in daylight in the 21st century and then the state machinery just covers it up and no one is supposed to know anything.
      What about protests?What about the opposition?


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